
ProMap Web

Navigating Seed Field Insights with Precision
A Responsive Web App Transforming Seed Field Management


2021 – 2024

Product Overview

ProMap Web, a responsive web app, holds crucial Production Seed Field boundary data with sub-meter accuracy, forming the basis for additional digital layers. The project aimed to revamp the outdated ProMap Web and create a streamlined version of the paired ProMap Desktop application, providing users with a quick and efficient interface for essential tasks while out of the office.



Problem Statement

“How might we strike the right balance between minimal features for optimal web usability and the extensive capabilities offered by the desktop version, ultimately fostering increased user adoption and satisfaction within Corteva’s agronomy ecosystem?”


The solution involved creating a mobile-friendly, responsive app that served as an MVP with room for growth, catering to a global audience. Continuous research, including user interviews, object-oriented process maps, prototypes, and competitive analysis, guided the design process. Emphasizing user needs over high-level stakeholder input proved pivotal. Beta testing validated the MVP’s success with the global audience.

Design Process

The design process for building ProMap was a dynamic and iterative journey that prioritized user-centricity, adaptability, and seamless integration into Corteva’s agronomy ecosystem. During our research initiative we had the opportunity to talk directly to end users of ProMap Web.

Discover, Understand, and Explore

We gained a better understanding of our end users needs.
We received feedback on which features they find valuable, what’s currently working, and current challenges users are facing while utilizing ProMap Web.




Connecting the dots to new solutions:

Hearing directly from the end user helped the GIS Team make better informed decisions regarding ProMap Web. Which in the end improved the overall user experience and usability.



Target Audience

ProMap Web is tailored for agronomy professionals, including agronomists, field workers, and other stakeholders within the agricultural industry who initiate fields into Corteva ecosystem.

Qualitative Research

For ProMap Web, we employed a variety of qualitative research methods to ensure the tool met user needs and expectations. This included conducting in-depth interviews with agronomists and field managers to gain insights into their daily workflows and challenges, in addition to their perspectives on usability and feature requirements. Usability testing sessions were held to observe real-time interactions with early prototypes, allowing us to refine the interface based on direct user feedback. These qualitative approaches provided a comprehensive understanding of user needs, which guided the development of a more intuitive and effective tool.

Baseline Survey Results

Participants Surveyed
Users Located in North America
On a Desktop/Web
What Users Find Most Challenging about ProMap Web
What Users Like Most About Web

Digging Deeper with Interviews

Survey Data gave us a starting point and user interviews gave us more in-depth insight to what to focus our efforts on for the most impactful outcomes for the business.
Participants Interviewed
Countries of Users
Power Users


1. Loading Capability 
  • This is the top pain point among super users and Desktop Users.
  • The majority of users expressed they either have to click around and move their mouse around until their screen fully load
  • or they have to exit the application a few times for their screens/ fields to fully load. Sometimes it can take a bit of time for it to load fully.
  • For some users the ProMap icon on the left side-is continually spinning.
  • This includes when the user initial logs into the application and switching features.

2. Measuring Accuracy

  • Super users have expressed they would find value in having the capability to- measure multiple fields at the same time.
  • The majority of users have expressed having the measurement capabilities in desktop- reflected in web would be very valuable and save time.
  • {making this process easier for users/decreasing manual work}.

Straight From Our Users

“A lot of the time it’s more investigative work. If I find out one of these surrounding crops are changing or something like that, I go and throw a buffer around it to see if it’s going to affect us. Just more investigating”
“All winter long I’m in ProMap web and just kind of getting a ballpark figure for guys to let them know, here’s what your field looks like”.
Field Operations Manager
“It’s definitely a pretty mixed bag, where the Agronomists at our location are probably heavily involved with doing edits to the fields and helping map and do the layouts”
Senior Agronomist

User Personas

As a result of our user interview feedback, the UX Team created two personas. One for each of our super user roles. The goal of these persona creations is to give the team further insight into the difference between Web and Desktop users. Allowing more insight into Web super users goals, motivations, challenges, constraints, top tasks and application usage.

User Journey Map

Mapper & Admin

Adeana Smith

“In a lot of processes, we don’t go back and look at what was being used and I know for a fact between GIS Mapper, Arc GIS and then ProMap. They never went back and looked at GIS mapper to see well, how did that work? They kind of invented the wheel without going back.”


Adeana is walking through her process throughout the year. From start to finish. She also walks through how she creates maps.

Competitive Analysis

While acting as a Product Family Design Leader I worked with a talented design named Jonna Buse that headed up a Product Family wide competitive analysis to keep track of overlapping features. Using this and other internal resources I was able to help guide my Product Owner toward the most advantageous feature sets for ProMap Web.

Fully Responsive

Designing responsively can pose certain challenges with robust dats sets. In the case of ProMap Web our continuous user testing of how to best to implement a table of raw date for hundreds of fields took us down a rabbit hole of possibilities and resulted in just the right functionality for our users during their moment of need.
  • Collapsable toolbars with iconography that matched users expected results.
  • Dropdown menu of table template options to quickly narrow down results to the task at hand.
  • Search with hide and seek functionality that highlights results to further narrow down results and helps users identify trends in their data.

Decreased Cognitive Load

Moment of Need Content


  1. Users responded with a 4.8 KPI, affirming the success of the redesign.
  2. Seamless integration into Corteva’s extensive agronomy application ecosystem highlighted ProMap Web’s adaptability and effectiveness in transforming seed field management.
  3. ProMap Web showcased at agronomy conferences around the world, positioning Corteva as a technology solutions leader and demonstrating their commitment to agriscience innovations.

Key Players

If you enjoyed this case study and would like to learn more about some of the talented people that made it possible, please consider connecting with them on LinkedIn.

Thank You!

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