
Field Selection

Optimizing Yield Through Decision Agronomy

Cultivating Growth by Revolutionizing Field Selection Practices


2022 – 2024

Problem Statement

How might we transform Corteva’s field selection process using decision agronomy to enhance grower yield, streamline agronomists’ decision-making, and improve overall efficiency?

Product Overview

Field Selection, a pivotal feature within Blueprint, harnesses the power of decision agronomy to optimize field selection, empowering agronomists with actionable insights.

The goal is to revolutionize traditional practices, moving from subjective evaluations to data-driven, strategic decision-making.

By providing deep insights into key yield components such as fertility, CHI uniformity, yield performance, and location-specific values, Field Selection aims to enhance Corteva’s field selection journey.



Target Audience

Emphasizing the need for a tool that caters to diverse roles in the agricultural ecosystem.

Primary Users:
  • Agronomists,
  • Regional Agronomists,
  • Digital Agronomists
  • Global Seed Leads
Secondary Users:
  • Field Operations
  • Managers
  • Data Scientists

User Research

To comprehensively understand and address the challenges posed by the existing field selection process, a multifaceted research approach was employed. The following methodologies were instrumental in shaping the direction of the project.

Requirements Gathering and Blue Sky Ideation

Initiated the research process by collecting detailed requirements and engaging in blue-sky ideation sessions. This initial step helped establish a foundational understanding of the problems and opportunities.

User Interviews and Stakeholder Meetings

Conducted in-depth interviews with primary users, including Agronomists, Regional Agronomists, Digital Agronomists, and Global Seed Leads. These sessions provided qualitative insights into user pain points, needs, and expectations.

Global User Base Analysis

Recognizing the global nature of Corteva’s operations, an analysis of the global user base was conducted. This involved understanding the diverse requirements and customizations used in different locations, especially focusing on the use of an outdated Excel sheet that had been modified all over the globe.

Collaboration with Business Goals

Aligned the research process closely with the overarching business goals. By prioritizing business objectives, the research plan was tailored to gather insights that not only addressed user needs but also contributed to the potential billion-dollar impact envisioned for the global business.

User Pain Points Identification

Systematically identified pain points by exploring the challenges faced by users, such as inconsistent adoption, minimal field and grower segmentation, and unclear prospecting strategies. This phase aimed to define the existing problems and set the stage for innovative solutions.

Iterative Feedback Loops

Instituted iterative feedback loops with users and stakeholders throughout the research process. This agile approach allowed for continuous refinement of the proposed solutions based on real-time feedback, ensuring alignment with user expectations.

User Personas and Journey Mapping

Developed detailed user personas and mapped user journeys to visualize the end-to-end experience. This process facilitated a deeper understanding of how Agronomists interacted with the existing field selection process and where pain points were most prominent.

Competitive Analysis

Conducted a comprehensive competitive analysis to understand how other solutions addressed similar challenges. This benchmarking process identified industry best practices and areas where the proposed solution could excel.

By combining these research methodologies, the project team gained a holistic view of the challenges and opportunities associated with field selection. The insights collected were instrumental in shaping a user-centric solution that not only addressed existing pain points but also aligned seamlessly with Corteva’s overarching business goals.

Pain Points


Inconsistent Adoption by Agronomists

  • Inconsistent usage of Decision Agronomy tools among Agronomists leads to variability in decision-making processes and outcomes.
  • Lack of standardized adoption across the organization results in inefficiencies and missed opportunities for optimization.


Standardization of Processes

  • Establishing clear standards and processes for utilizing Decision Agronomy tools can promote consistent adoption and streamline decision-making across the organization.


Perception of Decision Agronomy Tools as Optional

  • Some Agronomists perceive Decision Agronomy tools as optional or “nice to have,” rather than essential components of the field selection process.
  • This perception undermines the potential impact of these tools on achieving yield goals and maximizing field performance.


Emphasize Importance of Decision Agronomy Tools

  • Educating Agronomists on the significance of Decision Agronomy tools and their role in achieving yield goals can enhance their perceived value and encourage widespread adoption.


Minimal Separation of Fields and Growers Based on Performance

  • Existing scorecards and evaluation metrics minimally differentiate between fields and growers based on performance.
  • Lack of clear separation impedes the identification of top-performing fields and growers, hindering targeted improvement efforts.


Metric-Driven Evaluation

  • Implementing metric-driven evaluation criteria that clearly separate fields and growers based on performance can provide actionable insights and drive targeted improvement efforts.


Lack of Clear Prospecting Strategy

  • Absence of a defined prospecting strategy results in ad-hoc approaches to field selection, leading to suboptimal decision-making.
  • Without a strategic framework for prospecting, Agronomists struggle to identify and prioritize high-potential fields.


Development of Strategic Prospecting Strategy

  • Creating a strategic prospecting strategy aligned with organizational goals can facilitate the identification and prioritization of high-potential fields, leading to more effective field selection.


Challenges in Interpreting and Utilizing Data

  • Complex systems and large volumes of data pose challenges for Agronomists in interpreting and leveraging data effectively.
  • Difficulty in extracting actionable insights from data inhibits informed decision-making and undermines the value of Decision Agronomy tools.


Improved Data Interpretation and Utilization

  • Providing training and resources to help Agronomists interpret and leverage data effectively can empower them to make informed decisions and derive maximum value from Decision Agronomy tools.

Unique Features

Visualizing Your Portfolio of Fields

Fertility at your fingertips

Customization Without Comprise

Key Takeaways

  • Optimal Acre Commitment: Commit to acres at the optimal time for maximum yield.
  • Objective Metrics: Usestandardized frameworks and clear evaluation metrics.
  • ImprovedCommunication: Effectively communicate the value of contracts.
  • In-Season Improvements: Identify and implement in-season improvements.
  • KPI Monitoring:Regularly monitor KPIs and progress for continual improvement.


  • Increased Efficiency: Field Selection has streamlined the field selection process, resulting in shorter timeframes for making critical decisions.
  • Global Standardization: The tool has facilitated global standardization in evaluating fields, ensuring consistency across various locations.
  • Clear Cadence for Locking Acres: The introduction of a standardized framework has provided a clear cadence for locking in acres, improving planning efficiency.
  • Simulating Portfolios: Agronomists now routinely simulate different portfolios, assessing outcomes to make informed decisions.
  • Effective Communication: The tool has enhanced communication about the value of contracts, fostering better understanding and collaboration.
  • In-Season Improvements: Users can identify and implement in-season improvements promptly, optimizing field performance.
  • KPI Monitoring: Regular monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allows for a data-driven approach to evaluate progress.
  • Top and Bottom Performer Identification: Field Selection’s predetermined criteria enable the swift identification of top and bottom-performing fields, aiding strategic decision-making.
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