Project Brief

One of the projects I worked on while at Pluralsight was an End Of Course Experience. The goal was to increase video consumption and engagement by prompting users with paths to take after finishing an educational course. No previous experience existed prior to this project so it was built from the ground up.

The Challenge

Since this was a blue-sky project, all research and designs had to be created from scratch. I used the Directed Discovery method user research, which focuses heavily on user interviews. Users were selected from all of the mobile platforms supported to better understand user needs while on the move.

The Solution

The outcome is a three-tier version rollout. Each version is made to build on the previous one by adding valuable tools for both the learner and author of the course. Metrics were set up to track the effectiveness of each option during the progress of development.

Preliminary Mock-Ups

Low fidelity mockups for each screen were used to test a variety of designs. was used to help communicate with our remote team members, because of its ease of access and fast iteration features.

Exploring Variable Rewards

Various completion badges were created to test with learners as engagement incentives. Promoting the awareness of an already existing Certificate of Completion and to see if learners preferred any type of gamification while learning.

Prompting Next Steps

Most learners stated some form of uncertainty for what to do next after completing a course. Providing next steps for the user helped boost learner engagement and increase user adoption rates of the platform as a whole. 

Symbiotic Success

When learners find the right teacher it can make a world of difference in their success to achieve a learning objective. Connecting learners to authors helps notify the learner of new courses as soon as they are available and increases author royalties.  

A/B Testing Different Designs

Boxed Design


Several designs were created for the easy rating system. An internal poll was taken to narrowed down the designs for user testing. These are the two designs that were tested and their associated results.

Triangle Design

Planning For The Future

Starting With An MVP

Initial implementation included the most popular next steps. The adoption of Learning Checks, a post course quiz, and recent addition to the mobile platforms was added to all available courses. User analytics to each action gave us valuable insights to the program as a whole when validating the End of Course Experience.

V1 with Learning Checks

V1 With Learning Checks

V1 Without Learning Checks

V1 Without Learning Checks

Next Steps

Building trust through a community rating system is an important aspect for many users. It allows quick assessment of courses for new learners and allows authors to evaluate their lesson plans.  Adding a feedback channel and ratings database required API access, making this a V2 release to not hold up the project.

V2 with Learning Checks

V2 With Learning Checks

V2 Without Learning Checks

V2 Without Learning Checks

Working Towards The Future

The Destination

Implementing an easy rating system for valuable feedback. Providing feedback options with the most popular and helpful answers to create effective measures for improvement.

The feedback options change depending on positive or negative ratings to help authors understand what learners need to succeed.
